Patrol Blog

Before the last day2019.05.05


The long 10days weekend(Golden Week) is about to end finally.

Have you had a fantastic holiday???

Today was great blue sky and starting a bit sweaty this morning.


There is none of the snow at just before the Toomi patrol base, but…


Panorama Course


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Granprix course

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Lower super course (The snow of this area is usually gone very fast in spring.)

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Technical course

Although the start of winter was late, we have still enough snow to operate the ski resort this season!

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Since there were many patrol crew today, we could do some special rope rescue training.



The sun goes down to the west taking the sadness together, and again, it will rise from the east tomorrow morning.


Tomorrow(May 6th) will be the last day for the 2018-19 winter season.

We appreciate all the support we received from everyone who visited Hakuba Goryu.

Big Love!