Patrol Blog

2/8 (Sat) Winter Saturday@Azuma2020.02.10

Since today morning, a good amount of snow has been falling (a vigorous snowfall).
In a short period of time, the snow surface went up by 10cm at the bottom and 20cm on top of the mountain.。
By the end of the day, we got 15cm at the bottom and 35cm on top.
Compared to the recent snow condition of other areas in Nagano such as Otarimura, or even around Niigata,  the amount of snow is still small in Goryu. Nevertheless, when setting the ropes along the slopes, I had that Winter feeling when looking around me.

Oh yeah, It was Saturday, I was wondering why today was so busy ( thank you guys for coming).
As Patrol, we had lots to do today : picking up lost properties on the slopes, supporting people who struggle skiing down the mountain and helping injured visitors.
I felt like there were a lot of people who lost their way and were separated from their family.
On busy days, you have to queue up for the lifts, people fall, lose their skis, family and friends are waiting in the cold fog… it is easy to lose someone’s whereabouts.
To all beginners and children, it is best to choose the appropriate course difficulty and go to warm and easy to find places instead of waiting a long time in the cold for your friends.
It may be difficult to ski alone at the beginning, but I can assure you that you will get better in no time!
But do not overexert. If you feel tired, you can always take the gondola down the mountain. Dynamic Course and Woody Course are not so easy to go down.


Tomorrow weather can change at any moment, so please be careful.