Patrol Blog

Snow Make-up@Azuma2021.02.25


Despite no fresh snow had fallen, the condition was great.
In the morning, the snow condition was perfect, however, after 2PM the slope was getting icy and extra precaution was needed.
In such a blessed year to have heaps of snow, “Watch Your Head” signboard had been installed at several places.

Please be careful when approaching the lift and do not get hit by the chairlift. If passengers are increased, the more the chairlift would approach the ground.

For those young shredders, there’s some advice for you guys:

  1. Choose the appropriate slope that matches your level.
  2. Check your zips frequently. The mobile phone is heavy and easy to fall.
  3. Prevent your board from sliding away when removing / attaching.
  4. Health insurance is recommended.


Enjoy the day without accident or get injured!